Hi! Well - it happened last night. The first grill of the season. It might have been 39 degrees outside, but the sun was shining and we decided to go for it. It was fabulous and it made me feel like summer was just around the corner. Now if I could just get the mint in my backyard to start growing, then I could begin making mojitos and THEN it will be summer :)
Anyways - I want to tell you about a fun game we played in Sunday school this weekend. The kids LOVED it!
I call it "Grab-an-Egg" (feel free to come up with a better game title) I bought a set of 12 eggs for $1.99 each and on each egg I wrote one word for a Bible verse that I wanted my kids to learn.
Word to the wise: tape the eggs close - this game can get pretty "physical" and you don't want egg parts flying when the grabbing gets going -haha!
To play: place all the eggs in the centers of 3-5 students. (If your whole class is playing at the same time, create several sets of the eggs. We had two groups going, so I had to make 2 sets of the Bible verse.)
On a PowerPoint I had create several slides with the same Bible verse written out, omitting one word at a time:
The students raced (and I mean RACED with conviction!) to grab the egg that had the missing word on it.

That's when the fun part happens. :) We checked the answer by revealing the missing word on the PPT.
The winner of that round gets a jelly bean to put in the points up.
Let me tell you, these kids had memorized this Bible verse by the end of the game, that's for sure. Mission accomplished :)
1) math facts: put the answer on the egg, call out the math problem and have students race to find the answer egg.
2) vocabulary words: write a vocab word on an egg, write definitions on slips of paper and place in baggie. Pick a definition strip to read aloud and have students race to find the vocabulary word.
The list can go on and on! Got any ideas? Feel free to share them in the comments below!
Happy Tuesday!