{Summer Series} Summertime Game Time

You guys.  I've got something exciting to share with you all!  Are you ready?
That's right, you read it correctly.  Each Friday (beginning this Friday) ALL SUMMER LONG a new, FREE game will be posted to my TpT store.  It's like a little present to unwrap each week, and it's not even your birthday!  

How do you participate?  That's easy!  Just make sure you already follow my TpT store and you'll get a notification each week once the game is posted!  Simple as that!

Why?  Because it's summer.  That's Why!  And because you're a teacher who deserves a little something every now and then!

Want to see something specific?  Let me know what skill or topic you'd like to see a game created for, and I just might use your idea :)  Leave me a note in the comments, if you'd like.

Be excited.  Be very excited.